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Léonard Laborie
Maison des Sciences de la Communication du CNRS
Projet ANR ResenDem
20, rue Berbier du Mets
75013 Paris


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Appel à candidatures Ecole d’été

Par Léonard Laborie - 26 février 2013

Andrea Giuntini (Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia), Pascal Griset (University Paris-Sorbonne), Léonard Laborie (CNRS Irice-CRHI) are jointly organizing the third « Cité des Télécoms » Doctoral Summer School (Pleumeur-Bodou, 23-25 September 2013). This year’s theme : "Between International, Transnational and Global History : Information Technologies at Borders, 19th-21st C". Deadline : 26 April 2013.

Dealing with the history of electric and electronic informations’ borders crossing, the summer school will evocatingly take place where one of the very first transatlantic television transmissions occured, in 1962 in the northern part of Brittany. Organised jointly by the Cité des Télécommunications (Orange), Paris-Sorbonne University, and Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, it aims at providing doctoral students with an overview of relevant research results and of innovative tools and methodologies in the field of communication history in an international / transnational / global perspective.

Document joint

Call for applications
3rd_Doctoral_Summer_School.pdf - 61.4 ko (pdf)

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