Accueil > Actualités > Annonces / News > ToE in Paris 2013. 6th Tensions of Europe conference


Léonard Laborie
Maison des Sciences de la Communication du CNRS
Projet ANR ResenDem
20, rue Berbier du Mets
75013 Paris


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Annonces / News

ToE in Paris 2013. 6th Tensions of Europe conference

Par Léonard Laborie - 24 septembre 2012

After Copenhagen in october 2012, the Tensions of Europe network will meet in Paris, 19-21 September 2013. Expanding Resendem research agenda, this year’s theme will be "Democracy and Technology. Europe Under Tensions, 19th-21st C." Website and call for papers to follow (by the end of october 2012)

The conference deals with places and periods where and when democracy and technology intersected and interacted, inside or outside projects and institutions, discourses and practices, procedures and objects, from the 19th C. to present times. Between assessment and instrumentalization, how democracy dealt with the social, economic and cultural challenges of technology ? How technology and democratic regimes and ideas impacted mutually ? The conference has two particular focusses : tracking transnational dynamics at European scale, historicizing recent claims for a "technical democracy", through which it is expected that the making of democracy and technology are weaved together.

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